Planned Giving

A Planned Gift Can Help Support HTH For Years to Come.

Planned gifts include bequests in a will or other contributions made through your estate. By making an estate plan that includes HTH, you can help empower people to achieve independence through the power of work. We are honored to receive such gifts and will always direct the money straight to our mission: creating a better future for our residents.

How to Make a Planned Gift

Hope Thru Housing is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (EIN/Tax ID number: 27-2391633). Your gifts are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

You can make a planned gift by:

You can also make a gift directly to HTH:

  • Call 614-825-6025
  • Mail a check to
    Hope Thru Housing, Inc.
    7082 Huntley Road
    Columbus, Ohio 43229
  • Make a donation at our Farmers Market or Christmas Tree Lots

How to Name HTH in Your Will

To make an estate gift to HTH, ask your attorney to draft a statement in your will that expresses your desire in one of the following ways.

Give the Entire Residue of Your Estate
Sample language: I give the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, after the payment of all expenses, taxes, and debts, to Hope Thru Housing, Inc., presently located at 7082 Huntley Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229.

Give a Fraction of Your Estate
Sample language: I give _____ % (fraction spelled out) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, after payment of all specified bequests, expenses, taxes, and debts, to Hope Thru Housing Inc., presently located at 7082 Huntley Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229

Give a Specific Amount
Sample language: I give $ _____ (number spelled out) to Hope Thru Housing Inc., presently located at 7082 Huntley Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229

How to Give HTH an Insurance Gift

You can also name Hope Thru Housing Inc., as the beneficiary of the total or a fraction of your life insurance policy.

  • Total Amount: Name Hope Thru Housing Inc., presently located at 7082 Huntley Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229 as the beneficiary of 100% (one hundred percent) of the proceeds of the policy.
  • Fractional Amount: Name Hope Thru Housing Inc., presently located at 7082 Huntley Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229 as the beneficiary of _____ % (percentage spelled out) of the proceeds of the policy.

Gift Insurance Policy Today
If the policy is a paid-up policy and there are no loans, liens, or debts against it, consider giving it to Hope Thru Housing Inc., after discussing your wishes with your legal and financial advisers.

Naming Hope Thru Housing as a 401(K), 403(B), Or IRA Beneficiary

Qualified employee benefit plans accumulate tax-free during a person’s lifetime but are subject to tax at the person’s death.

  • 100% of the account balance is included in the taxable estate of the decedent.
  • Any taxable beneficiary who receives a distribution from a 401(k), 403(b), or IRA as a result of the death of the owner must pay income tax on the entire amount received.
  • Some plans could be taxed as much as 85%.

Hope Thru Housing Inc., is a qualified nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, so it is exempt from paying taxes on qualified employee benefit plans.

  • Designating a qualified organization like HTH as a beneficiary means that your gift will not be subject to estate tax.
  • As a result, the money from your plan will go directly to supporting the good work that you care about.

To name Hope Thru Housing as your qualified plan beneficiary:

  • Total Amount: Give 100% (one hundred percent) to Hope Thru Housing Inc., presently located at 7082 Huntley Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229.
  • Fractional Beneficiary: Give _____ % (percentage spelled out) to Hope Thru Housing Inc., presently located at 7082 Huntley Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229

You can help make a difference.