What We Do

Hope Thru Housing is a Residential Drug Addiction and Alcohol Treatment Center.  We serve  both men and women and is located in Columbus, Ohio.  We enable individuals to be productive, recovering members of the community by providing a comprehensive treatment program, work-based vocational training, education, and continuing care.

First and foremost, we believe people can change.  When we make a mistake we need to admit it and then not run from it, but stay and work to fix the mistake.  And though no one can undo the past, we can balance the scales by doing good deeds and earning back our own self-respect.

Lives formerly characterized by personal pain and failure are now buoyed by a new sense of caring and a renewed sense of hope and promise.

Rather than solving one issue at a time (e.g., drugs or job skills) we believe that all aspects of a person’s life interact, and all people must interact legitimately and successfully with others to make their lives work.  Hope Thru Housing offers a place in which residents learn (and teach) academics, vocational skills, and personal, interpersonal, practical and social survival skills.  We believe the best way to learn is to teach; and that helping others is an important way to earn self-reliance.

We learn about ourselves and how to develop our strengths through actually practicing life skills, living, working, and interacting in the community.  When mistakes are made, we learn to acknowledge them, take the consequences and most importantly, because we are in a safe environment we can fix the mistakes.  In this way, we replace old self-destructive habits with new strengths, talents, and a sense of responsibility.

Residents participate in daily morning group and a evening group sessions each week.

You can help make a difference.